Brunswick Community College 基金会

The Brunswick Community College 基金会, 成立于1982年, 是一个501(c)(3)慈善组织,旨在提高不伦瑞克社区学院的使命,使其达到卓越的水平,并为学生和社区服务. 基金会是为不伦瑞克社区学院的持续成长和进步而接受和征求所有捐赠的重要资源. 该基金会使学院能够满足许多不同的需求,而这些需求仅靠国家资助是无法实现的.


基金会由董事会和志愿董事以及名誉董事管理, ex-officio directors. The college president and other key administrators also serve. 通过宣传, influence and financial support, these leaders ensure the commitment to the community college philosophy. They support the mission and enhance the goals and lives of the students. Because of the 基金会’s structure, friends and alumni are also involved in 筹款 initiatives and asset man年龄ment programs.

基金会 Funds at Work

BCIF Foreign Study Scholarship recipients

Study Abroad Students Receive BCIF Foreign Studies Scholarship

感谢不伦瑞克县跨文化节(BCIF)提供的BCIF外国研究奖学金, a group of bright minds from Brunswick Community College (det365手机版官网) – Abigail Fluharty, 玛丽莎Gainey, 莎拉·弗莱克, 和萨曼莎·贝克尔——作为学院海外留学项目的一部分,将开始一段丰富的欧洲之旅. Their itinerary includes immersive experiences in Germany (Munich, 达豪集中营), 意大利(威尼斯, 米兰), and Switzerland (Zurich).

“In today’s interconnected world, 留学项目为学生提供了拥抱不同视角的宝贵机会,” emphasized Heather Crisco, an instructor at det365手机版官网 and coordinator of the Study Abroad program. “Financial constraints often hinder such experiences, and we’re immensely grateful to BCIF for their generous support. Through their contributions, 他们不仅为旅行提供资金,还点燃了对全球探索和理解的热情.”

最近, Mari-Lou Wong-Chong of BCIF, along with 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊, Executive Director of det365手机版官网 基金会, and Instructor Heather Crisco, 有幸与奖学金获得者会面,了解他们的背景和对即将到来的旅程的期望.

#det365手机版官网基金会 #StudyAbroad #TravelAbroad #foreignstudies #你可以抄送#Great58 North Carolina社区学院

Lynes Family Extends Student Support

Just prior to the holidays, 长期的支持者丹尼尔和琳达莱恩斯参观了不伦瑞克社区学院基金会(det365手机版官网)。. They brought with them a gift of $10,000 toward an endowed scholarship established in their name in 2009. This was the most recent addition to a scholarship funds that today amount to over $350,000. “det365手机版官网 is fortunate to have the support of people like Dan and Linda, whose kindness and generosity know no bounds and has bene tted countless students,” said The 基金会 of det365手机版官网 Executive Director 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊. “For that, we are incredibly grateful.” As part of the Lynes’ visit to det365手机版官网, they caught up with two of the students they’ve helped , Alexa埃文斯 and 维多利亚霍华德. Like many 基金会 donors, the Lynes enjoy getting to know the students they support and welcome a lasting friendship. “The Lynes family has helped me continue my path to becoming a Registered Nurse,” said Howard. “我有5个孩子,如果没有其他人通过det365手机版官网基金会的支持,我就不可能完成学业,维持日常生活和账单. With less stress over nancials, I have man年龄d to maintain my honor roll status in the National Technical Honor Society. I am forever grateful to Mr. 和夫人. Lynes for their generosity and support.” Alexa埃文斯 echoed Howard’s sentiment. “College is expensive and unaffordable for so many of us,” she said. “我很感激有像莱恩斯这样的家庭帮助像我这样的人获得成功所需的学位.” Pictured include (l to r) 基金会 Executive Director 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊, Alexa埃文斯, 维多利亚霍华德, 琳达莱茵斯, 丹尼尔·莱茵斯, and det365手机版官网 President Gene Smith. To learn more about how you can establish a scholarship or volunteer as a mentor, please get in touch with 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊 at or (910) 755-6530. 


基金会 of det365手机版官网 Welcomes Newest Donor

The Cape Fear Cruisers Car Club is on the move in more ways than one. They hold annual car shows involving their 240-person member base and contribute $20,000 annually to community organizations. Club members Peggy Lilly, President; Bob Lilly; Rich Largent, Vice President; Jackie Winters, Secretary; and Jim Hunt, 董事会成员, recently visited The 基金会 of det365手机版官网 with their first-ever donation of $2,500. This gift will fund student scholarships.

“What a wonderful holiday surprise to welcome the Cape Fear Cruisers Club to campus last week,” said 基金会 of det365手机版官网 Executive Director 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊. “我们很幸运能得到这么多优秀的社区组织的支持,并非常高兴地欢迎巡洋舰俱乐部加入我们的家庭. We appreciate their generosity and look forward to working together for many years.”

Established in 2006 with a handful of members, the Cape Fear Cruisers Car Club comprises 134 households, 240个成员, 190辆车. They hold two annual car and truck shows in downtown Southport in late April and October. To learn more, visit their website at

了解更多det365手机版基金会的信息,以及如何改变det365手机版官网学生的生活, contact 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊 at or (910) 755-6530.


American Legion Nursing Scholarship Presentation

det365手机版官网 Nursing Student Selected for Two 奖学金

科隆·弗尔纪念护理奖学金计划授予det365手机版官网护理学生杰森·斯科特·莱利两项奖学金. 第一个是美国退伍军人协会543分部提供的1500美元的优秀护理学生奖学金. 第二项是北卡罗来纳大学第二科科隆Furr护理奖学金,奖金为1美元,000.

在弗尔去世后不久,北卡罗来纳州的美国退伍军人事务部设立了科隆·弗尔护理奖学金. A resident of Asheville and longtime employee of the Asheville, VA医院, Furr was a great supporter and aimed to provide scholarships to nursing students. The first scholarship was presented in his name in 1992 and continues today.

In addition to supporting nursing students, The American Legion is a generous supporter of the Partnership of American Veteran Employment, 或PAVE程序. 该项目为退伍军人学生提供勤工俭学的机会,并使许多从军队过渡到平民生活的人受益.

For more information on The 基金会 of det365手机版官网 and how you can help our students succeed, please reach out to 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊 at or (910) 755-6530.

coll年龄 of photos from the Women in Philanthropy Dinner

The Women in Philanthropy Raise $11,000 in Single Night

不伦瑞克县慈善和领导女性(WPLB)享受了近三年来的第一次年度晚宴,并且比以往任何时候都更加兴奋,因为在不伦瑞克社区学院(det365手机版官网)和全县范围内为学生的生活做出贡献. Existing and new members attended, bringing along friends interested in learning more. The WPLB supports and helps shape future leaders through education, 指导, 筹款, 和宣传. 

 “We are delighted to see this fantastic group of caring women back in full swing,” said The 基金会 of det365手机版官网 Executive Director 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊. “Their energy and enthusiasm are contagious. I’m blessed to know them and grateful for all they do. Tonight alone, they raised over $11,000 in scholarships that will have life-changing effects. 他们是一个光辉的榜样,当人们为了学生和社区的利益而团结起来时,什么是可能的.”

 The evening’s program included remarks from det365手机版官网 President Gene Smith, 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊, and 基金会 Board Vice President Ann Landis. Guests also heard from det365手机版官网 Student Ambassadors Dimitry Williamson and Terissa Jordan. 

Thanks to 基金会 Board President Teresa Carroll, 基金会 Board Vice President Ann Landis, and 基金会 董事会成员s Connie Johnson, 露辛达阿诺德, 简•艾伦, and Brooke Rudd Gaglie for spearheading the event and 筹款 efforts. 

To learn more about the WPLB and 基金会 of det365手机版官网, contact 特蕾莎修女纳尔逊 at

Veteran Lunch Award Winners group photo

det365手机版官网 Celebrates 退伍军人

今天下午, det365手机版官网 thanked and celebrated our veteran students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, and community supporters at the Annual 退伍军人 Luncheon. The event began with the presentation of colors by the American Legion Post 543 Color Guard, followed by a warm welcome from det365手机版官网 President Gene Smith.

Joe Irreara, Col USMC (Ret.), and Tim Johnson, Captain USMCR (Ret.),向det365手机版官网的退役学生颁发了三份美国军官协会奖学金. They included Jim Carper, BG USANJ Memorial Scholarship recipient Stephen Maples, and SENCLAND MOAA Scholarship recipients Daniel Thompson and Stephanie Alexander.

Rick Sessa, Past Commander of American Legion Post 543, was the keynote speaker. Mr. Sessa shared his experiences as a young service member and all he learned during his career. 他对自己在军队中获得的机会以及为退伍军人提供的服务表示感谢.


SECU 基金会 Scholarship Recipients

det365手机版官网 Students Receive SECU 基金会 奖学金

本周早些时候, SECU基金会代表Velva Jenkins和Shannon Whitley加入了满屋子兴奋的det365手机版官网教师, 工作人员, and leadership to present two scholarships for $5,000 each to students Randi Burke and Nadya Waters. 这些奖项是SECU基金会“人与人之间的帮助”两年奖学金计划的一部分,该计划旨在帮助北卡罗来纳州社区学院系统的学生在学业上取得成功.

In addition to awarding the scholarships, the SECU 基金会 surprised The 基金会 of det365手机版官网 with a gift of $18,000 as part of its Bridge to Career Scholarship Program. det365手机版官网主席Gene Smith和基金会执行董事特蕾莎修女纳尔逊接受了支票,并感谢SECU对det365手机版官网学生的坚定支持. Congratulations to Randi and Nadya.

To learn more about scholarship opportunities like this, 与det365手机版官网一站式学生服务中心的财务援助代表联系,电话:(910)755-7320或



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